Thursday 11 September 2008

SIMPLY RED: "Holding Back The Years"

Sunday morning, 7 AM. East Coast Park. This is why I run. The glittering of the rising sun on the water; a gentle breeze that whispers a morning song into my ear. A few more crazy people like me endured the teasing of the alarm clock. In those few seconds immediately after that terrible sound woke us up, painfully punctually, we conquered temptation, and in a state of daze, decided not to give in to that devilish snooze-button. So here we are, brave in all our (morning) glory, going to battle in a fancy sports attire, secret conspiracy members running united under the waving palm tree leaves. "Beware of falling coconuts". I still have to laugh, even six years after I first read the signboard. Funny, how warnings like these depend from country to country. I have seen all kinds of signboards: beware of crossing camels in Egypt, beware of kangaroos in Australia, beware of koala bears in New Zealand, beware of cows in Europe, beware of pinguins in Argentina, etc. How come they never put signboards for the most dangerous species of all: "beware of humans"...

I see a dozen of people in this chilly morning park. Even more silent than the birds, who seem to find it too early for them to whistle the silence of the night away. A thousand of life years united in a circle, a solemn tribute to a new day.

You all have lived your lives. Things have happened to you, and you have made things happen. People have crossed your path, people have followed your path, people have left your path. You have been restless, you have been impatient, you searched for happiness, you searched for joy, you did good, you did wrong, you were fortunate, at times, unlucky, at other times. But there you are, wise, dignified, contented, even more motionless than the statues in this park.

And while you continue doing your morning exercises, I run by, and realize that, to a certain extent, my memories of tomorrow will be how I want to shape them today.

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