Sunday 25 January 2009

MODERN TALKING: "Words Don't Come Easy"

Entre los labios y la voz, algo se va muriendo.
Algo con alas de pájaro, algo de angustia y de olvido.
Así como las redes no retienen el agua.
Muñeca mía, apenas quedan gotas temblando.
Sin embargo, algo canta entre estas palabras fugaces.
Algo canta, algo sube hasta mi ávida boca.

(extract from "Poema 13", Pablo Neruda)


Katia Shtefan said...

A great poem about the all too frequent disconnect between internal and external speech. If only we were all fortunate to have Neruda's gift for not only expressing the internal, but also doing it poetically. If you really like Neruda, check out Red Poppy at It's a non-profit set up to create a documentary about Neruda, publish his biography, and translate his works into English.

Chasing-Thoth said...

I checked out the Red Poppy website: highly interesting! Muchas gracias por compartir eso conmigo!

And hey...isn't the gift of listening equally precious as the gift of speaking?

Katia Shtefan said...

El don de escuchar es verdaderamente tan importante como el don de hablar francamente. A base de las observaciones que vemos en la poesía de Neruda, parece que él tenía ambos. En este sentido, sus poemas son más conversaciones que pensamientos puramente personales y monológicos.
Glad you liked the site!

Chasing-Thoth said...

Mmm..that sounds familiar reminds me of the tagline I put in my blog title: "thoughts are conversations of the soul with itself" :-)